So.......lately I've been being very Philisophical....and Funny...I dont know why...I just have...
Probly because of a game of truths that went on with my Ex and some random feelings popping up before hand....
...I think I shall share my musing...Enjoy...
"I wish I could let you wrap me in your arms and hold on tight because I want to suffocate in your love....but everytime I begin to turn blue I run"--Tyler Jazz
{Early as hell in the morning} Me [groggy] Hello?--Him--[chipper as hell] Wake up its such a beautiful day--Me[groggy]--....Go To Hell---{many hours later}--Me--[hungry as hell] Yo---Him--[still chipper as hell]--You know your one angry broad in the morning--Me--[stomach has grumbled]--Go to hell...[hangs up]--EyeBite moment
"The heart should never let the mind have what the soul doesnt want"--Tyler Jazz
...........................................................Random thought......................................................
..........................................................Im in a chat with some friends right.....and all of a sudden I think to myself....Damn we bein depressin...........................................................
"Paradise is a place in your mind....not a place on Earth"--Tyler Jazz
Hmmmm....I think I'll let the people on Facebook stalk me--EyeBite Moment
"Drown me in love..."--Tyler Jazz
..................................Random ur gonna think im gay thought...........................................
....................Ok so I dont got a butt....I got up say my shadow and said "Shadow shorty dont got no arse.......In the line up it goes Shawty got asss fo dayz (Christina) Sahwty got assss fo hours (Niesa) Shawty got assss fo minutes (Me and Shavvii) Shawty got assss fo seconds (CeeJ)......How sad is that??????
Ok now Im jus depressed!
Im out homies......
So song lyrics for this post
OBVIOUSLY "Shawty got assss fo dayzz"
And "Will we still be always together....when it hurts"
Night Betches!